Nature is my church and color is how I speak of god.

Minutes, hours, days. Footsteps, deep breath, heartbeats. 

Bring me closer, break resistance, feel what is.

Die a little on the trail and bring forth the soul suppressed.

The Athlete and the Artist.

See the rain, taste the wind, hear the colors.

Transcribe in paint and canvas for those that can not journey 

for miles in the wilderness and find peace.

Signature member Pastel Society of America

“Evening Late Summer in Nisqually,” pastel, 6” x 8”

“Evening Late Summer in Nisqually,” pastel, 6” x 8”

“First Water,” mixed media acrylic, 15” x 30”

“First Water,” mixed media acrylic, 15” x 30”

“South by Southwest,” acrylic, 24” x 36”

“South by Southwest,” acrylic, 24” x 36”

“Still of the Morning,” pastel, 8” x 10”

“Still of the Morning,” pastel, 8” x 10”