Display your Work

Show off your art in the alcoves and display case at the Rio Verde Community Center. Sign up to reveal what amazing artists live in the Verdes.

Alcove Exhibit

Artists will be allowed to display two times a calendar year. The alcoves can accommodate two artists each month. Time slots will be from the 1st of the month until the last day of the month. The two artists shall decide among themselves which two (of the four) alcoves they will select. If an artist does not fill one of their alcoves, they may grant the other artist the space. During the off-season months of June thru October, one artist may display in all four alcoves if two artists are not available.

There are extra rods, hangers and an allen wrench (to tighten the hanging hooks) in the art room closet. If this is your first time displaying and you need assistance on how to hang your art, please specify in the form below. Mary Kuhr is responsible for managing the alcove schedule with Michele Mulleady as her backup. This form will be sent to Mary directly. If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact Mary directly. Click here to email.

Artists will be allowed to display two times a year. Time slots will be from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. Two artists will be able to display in the glass case from October through May. Each artist will have access to one side of the glass case. During the off season months of June through September, one person may display in the entire case if two artists are not available to display .

If this is your first time displaying and you need assistance on how to display your art, please specify in the form below. Kathy Luksich is responsible for managing the alcove schedule. This form will be sent to Kathy directly. If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact Kathy. Click here to email.

Glass Display Case