Exhibit Your Work
Fountain Hills Juried Art Show
Enter on or before: December 15
The annual Fountain Hills Juried Art Show, co-sponsored by the Fountain Hills Art League and the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association, is holding its call to artists.
The show is open to all area resident artists in the greater Fountain Hills area and surrounding communities including the Verdes, Goldfield Ranch, Fort McDowell and FHAL members.
The application and $30 entry fee deadline is Friday, Dec. 15. The $30 entry fee allows artists to enter up to two pieces and participants will compete for ribbons and monetary prizes.
The Juried Art Show awards include Best of Show ($100) and first place, second place and honorable mention ribbons for category awards plus monetary awards depending on the number of entries.
Artists must deliver their art to the Community Center Thursday, Jan. 4, between 12:30 and 2 p.m. Winners are announced at the reception Thursday, Jan. 18, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Community Center.
Carol Ofsthun is chair of the Juried Art Show and Pat Reich is co-chair.
Details: For a complete list of entry criteria and categories, including all necessary entry forms, visit the Fountain Hills Art League website at fountainhillsartleague.com.
Mayo Clinic Loaned Artwork Program
Enter: On going
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting artwork at Mayo Clinic. Our rotating exhibits help create a positive, healing environment for patients and visitors, and are valued focal points of our sites. The Center supports 12 galleries throughout our facilities.
Scottsdale Campus:
Scottsdale Concourse Gallery
Pharmacy Gallery
Phoenix Campus:
Hospital Gallery
Specialty Building Gallery Phoenix Concourse Gallery Phoenix Second Floor Gallery Phoenix Third Floor Gallery Phoenix Boutique Gallery Phoenix Sixth Floor GalleryPhoenix Seventh Floor Gallery
Family Medicine:
Thunderbird Gallery
Arrowhead Gallery
Art portfolios are juried for exhibit by Mayo Clinic medical staff and Center personnel. If you would like your artwork to be considered for future exhibits, please submit material as requested in the following pages.
Details: Click on the Learn More button below for information on how to submit your work for consideration.
Camelback Gallery: My Best Work of 2023
Enter on or before: December 22
This is an open call to artists worldwide, 18 years and older, for entry into Camelback Gallery's Visual Arts Competition. We are looking artwork created and/or completed in 2023. Please submit what you feel as an artist is your BEST WORK of 2023. This is an open theme competition allowing all styles subject matter and mediums. The jurors will be selecting the work for the virtual exhibition based on originality, quality of work and technical skill.
This is a competition, only the award recipients will be in the online group exhibition. The selection of artwork will be juried by 1-3 art industry professionals who will select and vote on the artwork for the exhibition. Camelback Gallery does not sell artwork. If we receive any inquires about your work we will forward your information to the buyer.
This is a competition, only the award recipients will be in the online group exhibition. The selection of artwork will be juried by 1-3 art industry professionals who will select and vote on the artwork for the exhibition. Camelback Gallery does not sell artwork. If we receive any inquires about your work we will forward your information to the buyer.
AWARDS ANNOUNCED on or before January 6, 2023
Details: $15 entry fee for 1 image. May enter multiple times. Click on the button below to for more information and to apply.