VAL 2024-25
Executive Committee

Co-Presidents / Lisa Minne (incoming) and Kurt Inman

Treasurer / Kathy Otte

Recording Secretary / Kay Hatcher

Past President / Marz Doerflinger

VAL 2024-25

Alcove Display / Jean Hurt with Michele Mulleady assisting

Art Show: Fall 24 / Patricia Franklin, Michele Mulleady assisting

By-Laws / Marz Doerflinger with Kathy Westby assisting

Communications / Nancy Renault

Educational Programs / Marz Doerflinger

Excursions / Mary Kuhr and Diane Kizewski

Glass Case Display / Kathy Luksich

Lecture Series / Val Holton with Joanne Conway assisting

Librarian / Cheryl Ravenschlag

Maintenance and Upkeep or Art Room / Kathy Brancheau

New Member Orientation / Chris Rich with Marcy Roth assisting

Social Committee / Betsy Perez with Kurt Inman assisting

Webmaster / Nancy Gray

To Contact

Write to create@verdesartleague
or complete this form.