Work From Life:
Add New Life to Your Oil Painting
Host: Kari Hogden
Dates: Every Tuesday in January. Plan to attend all classes. Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
How many times have you heard If you want to learn to be a better painter, work from life? Here is an opportunity to work from life from a seasoned instructor! We have fun too.
This is a series of five classes which build on one another. Beginning on January 2, each Tuesday morning, Kari will demonstrate techniques and also work with each student individually. Painters of all ability levels are welcome.
In this 5-week session you will learn to compose a successful still life and also how to see and paint from life! There will be demonstrations and instructions each week. Value, color, composition, edges and brush/palette knife will all be covered. There will be lots of individual attention as the class will be limited to 8 students. Each student will work from their own individual light controlled box.
You will also learn to use several apps on your phone to set up, improve and evaluate your work.
Cost: $100 for VAL Members / $120 for Guests (includes all five workshops). Pay on first day of class or before to save your spot. Cash, Check, Venmo or Zelle.
Materials to Bring: Click here for supply list (you may download the .pdf for printing).
Questions? Contact Kari. Click here to email.
About Kari
Kari is a self employed painting instructor at Hogden Farm Studio (painting and figure,Plein air) and has served as a painting instructor at Western Technical School, WI
Kari holds a Bachelor of Science in Fine Art from the University of Wisconsin,Madison. She has also been a part of the Art Students League, NYC and and many,many workshops.